Equality and Diversity Policy
Policy Tracking:
Last Review: | Dec 2022 |
Next Review Due: | Dec 2023 |
The Staff and Trustees of Aylesbury Youth Action are committed to providing equal opportunities for all volunteers and staff. Discrimination can occur because of gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age (for staff), nationality, national origin, sexuality, religion, marital status and social class. Aylesbury Youth Action opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination. Attitudes and behaviour that amount to discrimination on these grounds will not be tolerated.
All employees, whether full-time, part-time or temporary will be treated fairly and equally. Selection for employment, training, promotion or any benefits will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. Volunteers will not be discriminated against in the advice and support they are given. All employees and volunteers will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential; their talents and resources fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation and to meet the personal objectives of volunteers.
Every employee and volunteer is entitled to a working environment, which promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of bullying, intimidation or harassment will be tolerated.
The commitment to equal opportunities in employment and volunteering is good management practice and makes sound business sense. Breaches of this policy will be treated seriously and lead to detailed investigations.
This policy is fully supported by the Aylesbury Youth Action Management Committee, who agreed to it.
The policy will be implemented within the framework of the current legislation. Whilst it is understood that volunteers may not be covered by some legislation, Aylesbury Youth Action undertakes to meet the spirit of these Acts. The legislation includes:
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974; Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (amendments 1986 & Gender Reassignments Regs 1999); Race Relations Act 1976 and the Amendment Act 2000; Equal Pay Acts 1970 (amended 1974 & 1983); Disability Discrimination Act 1995; Employment Relations Act 1999, Employment Act 2002, Employment Equality (Religion, Belief, Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 (Age) 2006; Disability Equality Duty 2006; Equality Act 2006; Gender Equality Duty 2007; Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992; Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 and 1999; Human Rights Act 1998; Protection from Harassment Act 1997, Equalities Act 2010.
Aylesbury Youth Action will include a statement about being an equal opportunities organisation in all its advertisements, whether seeking employees or offering volunteering opportunities. Aylesbury Youth Action guarantees an interview for people with a disability who meet the basic requirements for advertised jobs. Aylesbury Youth Action recognises that its office is not accessible to wheelchair users and will make alternative arrangements within its Holman Street premises. All advertisements and publicity material will include this information. Aylesbury Youth Action will take every reasonable step to offer suitable opportunities to volunteers with disabilities.
Aylesbury Youth Action will actively seek to advertise its vacancies for staff and volunteers using a range of methods including local press, local community groups, and local representative groups (e.g. minority ethnic organisations, disability groups).
Jobs and volunteering opportunities will be clearly described. Help will be given to volunteers who wish to design their own opportunities. Wherever feasible, additional assistance will be given to help employees and volunteers carry out their tasks, re-evaluating them in the light of individual circumstances if necessary. Training, additional supervision and ‘reasonable’ adjustments (requirements of DDA) will be provided as appropriate.
Aylesbury Youth Action will ensure that all staff receive relevant training on equal opportunities and training will be offered where necessary.
Induction programmes for volunteers will ensure that they are aware of their rights under equal opportunities legislation, and explain how they can register any complaints they might have about their volunteering experiences.
Where complaints are made known to Aylesbury Youth Action by volunteers or others, they will be investigated and a record will be kept of the complaints and the steps taken to remove its cause.
Aylesbury Youth Action will ensure volunteers do not make a financial loss or gain from volunteering. We will pay out-of-pocket travel expenses. We will ensure that no volunteer is disadvantaged because of where they live when determining suitable opportunities.
A checklist of equal opportunities requirements and good practices will be developed for use in all training, induction and presentations.
A handbook on equal opportunities legislation will be produced for all staff. Staff will be given a copy for which they will sign to say they have received it. The handbook will be updated in the light of emerging legislation.
The actions above will be reviewed annually.